Monday, April 6 2020


What steps is Guelph Soccer taking to ensure safety of its members?

The health and safety of our members, volunteers and staff  is of the utmost importance to us. Guelph Soccer continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation to align our actions with those of our Governing bodies of Sport in addition to our City and Provincial and National Governments.

Is the clubhouse open?

Guelph Soccer aligned with its governing body of sport, Ontario Soccer, and suspended all programming on Friday, March 13, 2020 until further notice (read OS Notice here). The clubhouse has since been temporarily closed, following the guidelines of the Premier of Ontario and the closure of “non-essential services” until further notice (March 23,2020).

Are staff available to answer questions?

Despite the closure of our office, staff are working diligently behind the scenes to ensure we are able to continue to offer quality customer service and work towards our future programming. While we are not available via phone, we are certainly available via email (contact us here).

What will happen with the summer recreational program?

The Club remains optimistic that an Outdoor League will proceed. Staff are working to ensure this program is available to all members and reviewing all scenarios to ensure we are ready to resume operations when available. Families wishing to register for our Summer programs (that have not yet registered) are able to do so online via our website. We are currently wait listing all participants and will process the registration once we have a clear outdoor season start date.

We will want to reassure our member that we will postpone our programs as necessary to keep our players safe.

I have not paid my competitive fees in full, what happens?

The Club collected March 15th competitive payments via pre-authorization as agreed to and outlined in your competitive fee schedule. As we are unable to presently process other payments (cash, cheque, debit) that would have otherwise been collected, we will look to collect outstanding fees at a future date.

My child(ren) wants to remain engaged in the sport, can you help?

Guelph Soccer is currently offering weekly skills challenges through our social media channels for all members of our Club. Additionally, we are offering ongoing resources for both our competitive coaches and players. For more information about what you can do and how you can stay active visit our Stay Home section on our website.