Call for Nominations - Guelph Soccer Board of Directors

Call for Nominations!

Guelph Soccer Board of Directors

Guelph Soccer Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday  January 26, 2021 beginning at 7:00 pm. The AGM will be a virtual meeting, details and links will be forthcoming.

We are currently seeking nominations for dedicated and committed individuals who have the necessary skill set to enhance the operation of the GS Board of Directors in the three (3) available positions on the Board up for election.

Applicant Eligibility:

To be eligible for election as a Director, an individual must:

a) Be eighteen (18) years of age or older;

b) Not have been found under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act to be incapable of managing property;

c) Have the power under law to contract;

d) Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country;

e) Not have the status of bankrupt; and

f) Meet all criteria required as per the Club's Volunteer Screening Policy

g) Non-members of the Club may put their names forward as Directors; however, the Nominations Committee will ensure that no more than one-third of the Directors of the Club at any given time shall be non-members of the Club.

 Applicants must:

1. Submit a letter addressed to the Nominations Committee at nominations

The letter must include the following:

• Their personal and/or professional background, relevant experience either personal or professional related to the duties of being a board member, nature of their affiliation with the club (voting member or associate member) and their reasons for seeking election

• At least one co-signor who is also a Member (voting member or associate member) of the club, should inscribe their name and signature at the bottom of the applicant’s letter or separately send an email to the Nominations Committee indicating their support for the candidate.

2. Submit a completed Police Record Check to the club if a valid police check is not already on file, at the same time as their letter of nomination. Police Record Check applications must be submitted in-person at the club during office hours. All Board positions are ultimately subject to the Volunteer Screening Policy and the outcome of the Police Record Check. If the candidate does not qualify, they may be removed from the Board, if elected.

Deadline: All applications and required supporting documentation must be submitted to the Nominations Committee at no later than Friday October 23rd, 2020 at 6:00pm.