Guelph Soccer launches new Strategic Plan

Three Year Strategic Plan for Guelph Soccer

In our community, we have more families than ever interested in the physical exercise, teamwork and character-building that soccer brings. Over the past three years, our organization has undergone a transformation that has placed us in a leadership role that we are ready to lean into. The team at Guelph Soccer has the passion, skills, and vision to help connect our community with the joy, excitement and wellness soccer brings. It is our job to create meaningful, inclusive and accessible programming and continually invite others to be part of the sporting community in Guelph. Please find attached our vision for Guelph Soccer for the next three years.

Our newly developed Strategic Plan is our commitment to the players, families, coaches, volunteers and community partners of Guelph Soccer that we will grow the love of the game in our community. It will guide and measure how we will encourage everyone at Guelph Soccer to bring our best to the game and our community.