Guelph Soccer - AGM

Dear Guelph Soccer Member:

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

7:00 PM

The Annual General Meeting of Members of Guelph Soccer Incorporated will be held virtually using Zoom meeting technology on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm. All members are invited to attend the meeting, although only voting members have voting rights.

As per the Club’s By-Laws, voting members are volunteers in any of the following positions: Rep Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager or Assistant Manager; House League Convenor, Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Manager; Committee Members; Directors.

Enclosed please find the following:

1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Members; and,

2. The proposed agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

Nominations for Directors will be forthcoming, and the Auditor’s Report and Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2021 will be available from Guelph Soccer for any member upon request up to 21 days prior to the Meeting.

It is our intent to provide all members with copies of these documents as well as a finalized Annual General Meeting information package no later than 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting for their review. This package will also include a copy of the Club’s Proxy Form for the upcoming Annual General Meeting.

If members are unable to attend the Meeting, the Board of Directors strongly suggest that members take the time to review the meeting package and submit a signed proxy in any of the many acceptable forms so that their vote on all items can be counted.

Proxy forms must be signed on all pages by the voting member and must be submitted to the registered office of the Club at least two (2) business days prior to the Annual General Meeting (Friday, January 21, 2022).

Please be reminded that a quorum at any meeting of the voting members shall consist of a minimum of two-fifths of the total number of sitting Directors (currently 7) plus ten (10) other Voting Members and/or proxies representing the vote of a Voting Member.

Please make every effort to attend this meeting or failing this, to submit a signed proxy.

Yours truly,


Craig DiSero


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